hallo gan..just for share gan...mudah2an ga repost ,,hehe. .
PENTING : hilangkan tanda * terlebih dahulu setelah membuka link download.
pakailah SESUAI KEBUTUHAN INET agan masing2 yah..
(sejauh ini ane belum temukan efek samping dari penggunaan software ini and yang udah mencoba harap memberikan "TESTI" disini..OK ! )Quote:1. Onspeed 6.0.9
Software ini bisa meningkatkan kecepatan internet anda hingga 10 kali lipat!!! (Dial-up – 10x Faster, Broadband – 5x Faster, Mobile connections – 8x Faster).
Download disini..
2. CFosSpeed
Tool ini Untuk Mempercepat Akses Internet Cocok Buat Koneksi Lemot (Traffic Compresson System)
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3. Flash Speed 200%
Flash Speed 200% is an Internet accelerator that help you optimize your Internet connection speed 200% or more. The software changes some Windows settings to give you faster performance, and optimize your Internet connection speed 200% or more according to your computer. It support optimiz Dial-Up, Lan, Cable, ADSL, HDSL, VDSL and PPPoE connections up to 200% faster. Increase your download speeds.
Download disini..
4. Dsl Speed
DSL Speed is a prefessional tool that will online optimize your
DSL(e.g.,ADSL,G.lite,IDSL,SDSL)connection speed to MAX.
Main Features:
Online optimize your DSL (ADSL) connection speed.
Auto verify your ISP's MTU and your DSL (ADSL) unique optimize
Faster loading Web Pages.
Tweaks DNS Errors Caching In Windows 2000/XP.
Tweaks ICS In Windows 98SE.
Download disini..
5. Internet Turbo
Software untuk meningkatkan kecepatan internet.
Download disini..
6. Modem Booster
Software untuk mempercepat kinerja Modem
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7. Firefox Ultimate Optimizer
Software untuk optiamasi Browser firefox
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8. Fasterfox
Add-ons untuk browser Firefox. Setelah Fasterfox selesai terinstall, restart Firefox anda. Tanda kalau Fasterfox sudah terinstall di Firefox anda adalah akan ada gambar rubah kecil di sisi kanan bawah Firefox anda.
Download disini..
9. Google Web Accelerator
Tanda kalo GoogleWebAccelerator sudah terinstall di web browsing anda adalah akan ada gambar jam kecil di web browsing anda. GoogleWebAccelerator akan menunjukkan berapa banyak waktu yang telah dihemat karena menggunakan GoogleWebAccelerator.
Download disini..
10. FullSpeed2.7
Dramatically speed up your existing Internet broadband connection and get the best performance possible from your current Internet connection. Full Speed will increase your online Internet speed with everything you do: faster downloading, web browsing and web page loading, data streaming, email, P2P and gaming. Full Speed will also improve the performance of business communications which utilise Broadband technologies including Remote Desktop sessions, Intranets and Extranets over VPN's and WANs . One click it's done; no questions or any knowledge is required. Full Speed has a 'Clean' Award from Softpedia confirming that it is completely Spyware FREE. Full Speed also has no banners, popups, adverts, contracts, subscriptions, viruses or malware of any kind. Free performance testing software is also included for testing and comparison of download speeds and Web browsing performance.
Download disini..

hallo gan..just for share gan...mudah2an ga repost ,,hehe. .
PENTING : hilangkan tanda * terlebih dahulu setelah membuka link download.
pakailah SESUAI KEBUTUHAN INET agan masing2 yah..

(sejauh ini ane belum temukan efek samping dari penggunaan software ini and yang udah mencoba harap memberikan "TESTI" disini..OK ! )
Software ini bisa meningkatkan kecepatan internet anda hingga 10 kali lipat!!! (Dial-up – 10x Faster, Broadband – 5x Faster, Mobile connections – 8x Faster).
Download disini..

2. CFosSpeed
Tool ini Untuk Mempercepat Akses Internet Cocok Buat Koneksi Lemot (Traffic Compresson System)
Download disini..
3. Flash Speed 200%
Flash Speed 200% is an Internet accelerator that help you optimize your Internet connection speed 200% or more. The software changes some Windows settings to give you faster performance, and optimize your Internet connection speed 200% or more according to your computer. It support optimiz Dial-Up, Lan, Cable, ADSL, HDSL, VDSL and PPPoE connections up to 200% faster. Increase your download speeds.
Download disini..
4. Dsl Speed
DSL Speed is a prefessional tool that will online optimize your
DSL(e.g.,ADSL,G.lite,IDSL,SDSL)connection speed to MAX.
Main Features:
Online optimize your DSL (ADSL) connection speed.
Auto verify your ISP's MTU and your DSL (ADSL) unique optimize
Faster loading Web Pages.
Tweaks DNS Errors Caching In Windows 2000/XP.
Tweaks ICS In Windows 98SE.
Download disini..
5. Internet Turbo
Software untuk meningkatkan kecepatan internet.
Download disini..
6. Modem Booster
Software untuk mempercepat kinerja Modem
Download Disini..
7. Firefox Ultimate Optimizer
Software untuk optiamasi Browser firefox
Download disini..
8. Fasterfox
Add-ons untuk browser Firefox. Setelah Fasterfox selesai terinstall, restart Firefox anda. Tanda kalau Fasterfox sudah terinstall di Firefox anda adalah akan ada gambar rubah kecil di sisi kanan bawah Firefox anda.
Download disini..
9. Google Web Accelerator
Tanda kalo GoogleWebAccelerator sudah terinstall di web browsing anda adalah akan ada gambar jam kecil di web browsing anda. GoogleWebAccelerator akan menunjukkan berapa banyak waktu yang telah dihemat karena menggunakan GoogleWebAccelerator.
Download disini..
10. FullSpeed2.7
Dramatically speed up your existing Internet broadband connection and get the best performance possible from your current Internet connection. Full Speed will increase your online Internet speed with everything you do: faster downloading, web browsing and web page loading, data streaming, email, P2P and gaming. Full Speed will also improve the performance of business communications which utilise Broadband technologies including Remote Desktop sessions, Intranets and Extranets over VPN's and WANs . One click it's done; no questions or any knowledge is required. Full Speed has a 'Clean' Award from Softpedia confirming that it is completely Spyware FREE. Full Speed also has no banners, popups, adverts, contracts, subscriptions, viruses or malware of any kind. Free performance testing software is also included for testing and comparison of download speeds and Web browsing performance.
Download disini..
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